Sunday, June 24, 2012

So, I caved... (also I finished motif #22!!)

 Yes, it's true. I couldn't stand the idea of being so short-supplied in thread, even though TOMORROW I will be flying back to the US (aka land of all the thread I want) I bought a little more. :)

 I actually caved a few days ago...I needed to go to the grocery store anyway, so it wasn't too much of a stretch to have the taxi (we sold the car!!!) stop by the mall and my favorite Honduran thread store for just one more thread fix...
This place is great! I have spent WAY too much money at this store! :)
 I didn't get too much more thread...but I did more than double my current stock...

 Really, I only went planning to get the big white roll and the small black rolls (and truly, I meant only to get two of the black), but get me into a thread store and the inspiration hits...I think of all the things I want to do and I go crazy and buy a lot of thread. Luckily Chris is "understanding" and didn't tease me too much about it all...

Plus, I've already put the new thread to good use:
(Yes, this should look's another crack at Marilee Rockley's Ripple Tatted Necklace, only this time with perle 8 thread and in a more girly shade...probably won't keep this one, either...
 One of the reasons I decided to get more thread (besides the fact that I used up quite a bit of the colored thread I had) was for this reason:

Look at that giant pile of waste...I am a thread waster!
 I don't try to waste thread; I simply think my waste problem is a combination of the facts that I just am something of a bad judge of how much thread I will actually need to complete a project AND that I really dislike trying to tat with too little thread. Either way, every time I finish a project I have leftover thread...and it does tend to pile up (All Over the Place).

 Sometimes I read other peoples' blogs and see them talking about using up thread ends...and I wonder, am I throwing away something that other, more experienced (or earth-friendly) taters could use? I often think that if I had my sewing machine here I think I would keep all my extra thread to stuff a teddy bear or doll or something. (I will have it in my next country, so I'm thinking I might have to actually try that out...)

 Wasteful or not, I did finish the project I was working on (the pile of ends above is from the final 5+ motifs in this project), but I still haven't given it to the person it's going to yet, so I can only show you motif #22, which is part of the whole...
It might be something that someone actually made up, but I didn't use a pattern, I just played around with the colors...
 Today is my VERY LAST day in Honduras (sniff) and I have spent it a) packing (well, packing the final things, we packed the big stuff earlier in the week) b) watching Downton Abbey (it never did air down here, so I've finally discovered it via download on good! I keep watching to see if I think any of the lace on any of the gowns is far, I think not.) and c) tatting the second round of something I hinted at here...

 I am heading to the airport early tomorrow morning to get my dog Pip set for his flight and will be back in the USA by bedtime tomorrow...yay!

 So, that's it. I leave Honduras with lots of tatting completed, more thread than I ever dreamed of, and many other memories...however, I can't wait to introduce tatting in the next place I live!

See you in Iowa!


  1. I can't waste thread, I use up the bits left in the shuttle to make either a flower or butterfly, and small bits left go in a little bag for sewing motifs on anything. I hope you have a good flight and your dog is ok when you get home, all good things come an end they say so hope your time in Hondas was a good one,


  2. Beautiful necklace!!! :)
    And interesting colorful piece! :)
